Food technology is one of the largest industrial sectors which positively promote nanotechnology, and it will play an important role in the future. Innovations in nanotechnology will have an impact on the food and beverage industries and has great potential in various areas. Nanofoods, which comprise the usage of nanoparticles in food, are divided into food additives and food packaging as the use of nanoparticles inside and outside food, respectively. Nanoscale food preparations will have better delivery options with higher nutrient density in the foods. Moreover, nanofood components can be encapsulated, and these preparations can be mixed with other foods as novel combinations to enhance food quality and consumer satisfaction. The use of nanomaterials in the food industry is a developing technology; therefore, there is a need for assessment of risk or safety of nanoparticles in food. Due to their adverse effects on consumers, the value of nanofoods in the market has been driven down to regulate risk. But the major concern regarding the use of nanotechnology in food is toward increasing the shelf life of products and use of delivery systems to increase market value, and better assessment of risk factors will increase the global market of nanofoods. In general, it is very important to assess potential risks to human health, before commercializing nanofoods in the market.