Moving away from the macro and meso levels, this chapter addresses the second and third research objectives by focusing on a micro level case study. It focuses on the micro intricacies of how quality is conceptualised, implemented and the challenges faced at a localised institutional level by assessing multiple perspectives on the quality of T & L at University I (U-I – universities were randomly assigned alphabetical pseudonyms). While not a comparative study, the chapter focuses on a public university and the next chapter examines quality in a private institution. The chapter uses the perspectives of deans, lecturers and students from the departments of Psychology and Mathematics in the faculties of Social Sciences (FSS) and Science and Technology (FST) to inform the analysis. These were among the ‘best case’ departments identified by the university representative. The chapter further highlights the policy and practice disjuncture, underlining challenges faced by the different groups in fostering quality T & L.