This chapter is concerned with some problems of tribal elite in a plural society, notably the problem of its relation to derived power. The setting is the Transkei, well known as the scene of the first Bantustan experiment launched by the South African Government. Early in 1963 the parliament of the South African Republic passed the Transkeian Constitution Act, following the lines of a draft constitution which had been accepted some months earlier by the Transkeian Territorial Authority. K. D. Matanzima's position is that Africans must satisfy their desire for autonomy as the white government itself proposes, on the lines of apartheid or 'separate freedom' as government spokesmen like to call it. The Democratic Party includes among its objectives 'democratic government', 'government of the people for the people and by the people'; for chieftainship it claims no more than that 'the institution of the traditional chieftainship should be maintained and perpetuated'.