Does the new testament ‘Christian turn’ offensive led by Jesus Christ of Nazareth targeting the old testament/Judaic/Abrahamic/Roman Christendom enclosed in rigidified Hebrew traditions and the ossified fundamentalist laws presided by an uncompromising and vengeful God (God of anger) not constitute, in a symbolic and ecclesiastical manner, what fundamentally is entailed in reconstitution of the political and setting afoot a new order of life? Jesus Christ’s revolutionary humanistic politics predicated on a new gospel not only directly challenged the intellectuals of the old order known as the Sadducees and the Pharisees but consistently pushed the agenda of the poor into the centre of the new testament in the process, concretizing a clear ‘Christian turn’. Jesus’ sacrificial assassination on the cross at Calvary, partly in fulfillment of the scriptures and partly to enable the birth of a new order of life, which began with his resurrection after three days and the opening up of the ‘Holy of Holies’, not only enabled the excluded Gentiles into the direct love and favour of the new God (God of love) but also marked a very successful reconstituted of the old order. The line separating the Jews from the Gentiles was deleted. A new timescale emerged known as BC (Before Christ) and AD (After the Death of Christ). What emerges poignantly here is that a decolonial reconstitution of the political has to fundamentally redefine humanity in non-separatist terms and inaugurate a new dispensation of decolonial love (love thy neighbour in the same manner you love thy self). In this decolonized context, giving another chick to those still stuck in the paradigm of war and violence is symbolic of the banishment forever the ‘eye-for-an-eye’ barbaric warrior tradition.