Proper understanding of stellar burning processes possed many exciting challeges for physicsists across a wide range of nuclear physics topics, and the corresponding experimental programs are facing many technical drawbacks. An extensive program in nuclear astrophysics theory and experiment, will greatly advance our understanding of the cosmos. It will help strengthening observational and computational programs by providing the essential foundation necessary for the interpretation and simulation of new results. Continuous support for existing database efforts in nuclear astrophysics is critical. Without long term continuity databases become quickly outdated, and new data that are often obtained using significant resources cannot be used in astrophysical calculations. Ease of use could be improved for many public nuclear astrophysics codes. Possibilities include cloud computing or virtual boxes to avoid compatibility, update, version, backup, or cyber security issues. Multiple distribution sites are quite effective in satisfying diverse user needs. It would be interesting to explore a unifying HUB Zero-based approach for nuclear astrophysics.