This chapter explores agency directed to resisting gendered divisions and the power of gender. It offers inventories and anatomies of social movements and their efficacies. The chapter examines the range of thinking about resistance practices and formations arising out of feminist international relations and transnational feminist inquiry. It provides the ruminations on degendering world politics to respond to global crises in ways that also promote gender—more broadly social—justice. There are easily millions of small and larger women's and feminist resistance projects directed in some way at challenging gendered divisions of power, violence, and resources as well as the crises of representation, insecurity, and sustainability they have spawned. Degendering power involves multiple moves, not least a turn away from power-over to enabling power. The power of gender establishes paths of least resistance in regard to gender performance that are so naturalized that they are difficult even to see and so internalized and normalized that they are even harder to defy.