There are as many current biological explanations for why men and women live different lives as there ever were, although contemporary theories of difference do not immediately segue into claims of inequality the way they did before 1970. Gender inequality is supposedly a thing or the past, and arguments for male superiority are a cliche, a joke, or an opportunity for a lawsuit. The coitus-eentered model of sex is justified by evolutionist biological thinking, that is, sex evolved to perpetuate species, desire for sex inevitably involves desire for the reproductive act, biological factors dictate that sexual activity is focused on vaginal penetration and intra vaginal male ejaculation, etc. The biological methods only become more sophisticated and expensive. Mass media get wildly excited every time a new technology uncovers some measurable physical sex difference and use each technonews opportunity to trot out familiar generalizations, exaggerations, unreplicated findings, and selective measurements—the whole two thousand years' worth, it sometimes seems.