The educational objective would be to help children to make well-informed choices among a set of rich, attractive curricula. Before embracing equal outcomes as the educational goal to be achieved, educators and policymakers should spend some time analyzing and discussing the outcomes they want to equalize. Policymakers, through the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB), have decided that all students should meet "the same high standard" set by each state. NCLB requires that test results be disaggregated by race, gender, and special educational categories, and that every designated group meet the established standard. The demand for accountability came to education from the business community. Similarly, some people think that educators should be held accountable for their performance and its effectiveness in producing student learning. In 1918, for example, educators produced the Cardinal Principles Report, recommending seven great aims of education: health, command of fundamental processes, worthy home membership, vocation, citizenship, worthy use of leisure, ethical character.