In this chapter, the author describes that phrenology was a research program that eventually was cast aside. Scientific creationists attempt to defend creationism by appeal to evidence, not by appeal to biblical authority. The author believes that creationism faces an analogous problem. He also believes that some of the hypotheses defended by creationists are testable. One vocal group is the young earth creationists, who hold views about geology that conflict with a good deal of physics. Creationism likewise admits of many versions, which may differ in their strengths and weaknesses. Creationists maintain that some characteristics of living things are the result of intelligent design by God; they deny that natural processes suffice to account for all features of living things. Some creationists have criticized evolutionary biology—and science generally—for being committed to a philosophical position they call "naturalism". In replying to the challenge of creationism, biologists find themselves explaining why natural selection is a very powerful force.