The 1990s marked a watershed in Africa with greater political opening and the beginning of a decline of major conflicts across the continent. The political opening of the 1990s entailed the demise of one-party states in favor of multiparty regimes, greater freedom of the press, and more freedom of association. Uganda is a country that has a very active civil society, with eleven thousand registered NGOs and many coalitions and networks around debt, poverty, corruption, the environment, human rights, and women's rights concerns. During the 2011 and 2016 presidential elections the government banned social media amidst allegations of voter fraud while at the same time it detained the leading opposition candidate. LGBT movements have become among the most active movements in Africa after the 2000s. The 1990s saw the rise of new rights organizations in Africa based on human rights, including the rights of children, women, and the disabled along with environmental, economic, and other rights.