Charrismo and guarurismo, along with a term that became popular in the 1970s and 1980s, grilla, have to do with Mexico's particular form of machismo. Nevertheless, most conservative Mexican traditions continued virtually unchanged. For instance, Diego Rivera created a mural at the extravagant Hotel del Prado in the center of Mexico City that he entitled Sunday Afternoon Dream in Alameda Park in honor of a park situated across the street from the hotel. The Virgin of Guadalupe is one of Mexico's principal images and merits contemplation. In anthropologist Renato Rosaldo's words, Mexico and Latin America are "caught between traditions that have not yet gone and a modernity that has not yet arrived. The dominant culture, Imaginary Mexico, puts on airs and attempts to take on the trappings of developed Western cultures. Mexico Profundo is in a scintillating, titillating, shimmering, oscillating hesitation and vacillation and stuttering process of syncopated undecidability.