This chapter describes and criticizes the ideology components of Marxism and post-Marxism, and then describes their activities and nonactivities, contrasting these with the class-based movements and approaches. It discusses the origins of post-Marxism and its evolution and future, in relation to the decline and possible return of Marxism. There is a pessimistic variant to post-Marxism that speaks less of the failures of revolution than of the impossibility of socialism. Post-Marxism was the ideological transit ticket from class politics to "community development", from Marxism to the NGOs. Finally, NGOs foster a new type of cultural and economic colonialism and dependency Projects are designed or at least approved in the "guidelines" of priorities of the imperial centers or in their institutions. They believe that local organizations should fight at the national level and that national leaders must be accountable to local activists. In a word, they are not post-Marxists.