Heinrich Himmler approved Odilo Globocnik’s plans to make Lublin a special SS city and to open the Majdanek concentration camp in the suburbs. Richard Breitman and Joseph Poprzeczny both think that they also discussed Globocnik’s role in the Final Solution. The Wannsee Conference had little to do with the planning of the major phases of the Final Solution, which had been well underway since the late summer and early fall of 1941. Instead, the conference was more informational and was called to share with most of the major organs of the state and Nazi Party the planning already underway to deal with the mass murder of Jews throughout Europe. Reinhard Heydrich opened the conference by reminding everyone that Hermann Goring had made him the “delegate” for developing plans for the Final Solution of the “Jewish question” in Europe. Heydrich explained that he had called the January 20 meeting to clarify “fundamental questions” about the Final Solution.