The year 1945 was indeed a time worthy of the "blue-eyed shogun", MacArthur's Japanese nickname. He was directly responsible only to the Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS) in the US government. His former subordinate, General Dwight Eisenhower, occupied the position of army chief of staff of the Joint Chiefs. Given his seniority, it is understandable why MacArthur was indeed the "shogun in Tokyo". Despite MacArthur's official title, Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers (SCAP), the Allied nations were totally powerless to control him. A meeting that occurred several days before Hays prepared his plan was apparently closely related to Government Section's preparations for writing its own draft constitution. Most senior members of Government Section attended this meeting on January 17, 1946, with a visiting delegation of Far Eastern Advisory Commission (FEAC) members. The SCAP chapter on local government was prepared by a subcommittee of three: Tilton, Malcolm, and Keeney.