This chapter looks more carefully at the determination of the subject. Discipline and Punish basically is about how people who were subjects of a sovereign became subjects of a new kind. Monarchical subjects were susceptible to sanctioned violence; their bodies were the targets of possible torture and execution. The juridical system centered on the law, the courts, indicted subjects, specific offenses, and sentences specifying duration and penalties. The subjects in question are persons under the control of lawful authority, whether that authority is a monarch's sheriff or a contemporary penal system. An individual is made a subject in being subjugated to penal authority, and classification and treatment conceptually and descriptively define that individual's subjectivity. Development of the penal system, as laid out in Discipline and Punish, illustrates the reciprocity between techniques of knowledge and strategies of power. It shows how juridical subjects were remade into psychological subjects when the soul was manufactured and punishment was reconceived from retribution to normalization.