This chapter contains findings in the form of six narratives. The narratives convey the major themes of each participant that emerged from the analysis of her interview material. Edouine is a slight figure. She has coffee-colored skin and her features seem overpowered by a pair of thick-lensed glasses. She has an open smile and a quick, friendly manner that makes her seem older than sixteen. Chantel is eighteen and wears her hair pulled back in a pony tail. She has dark skin and a solid figure. She dresses neatly in matching shorts and shirt sets. She wears no jewelry except a small diamond-type ring on her left hand — an engagement ring from her partner, Stephen. Shamika is sixteen; she is small and looks somewhat athletic. She has dark brown skin, and she wears her short hair in barrettes and braids. She occasionally brought her nieces or her nephew with her to the health center.