Lord Delamere was an experienced traveler and quickly able to organize his caravan. On reaching his majority in 1891, Delamere set off on what was to be the first of five hunting trips to Somaliland. With the conclusion of Delamere's trip, travel to Lake Rudolf by sportsmen and ivory hunters temporarily came to an end. In fact, Dr. A. Eustace not only hunted for ivory himself but also hired both white hunters and Africans to do it for him. One of the consequences of Samuel Teleki's sale of ivory in Zanzibar in 1889 was that it drew attention to the elephant herds in the Lake Rudolf region. Lieutenant H. Andrew spent most of his time shooting elephants and amassing more ivory, while Henry Sheppard Hart Cavendish claimed that he was constantly attacked by the Turkana, with whom he tried to establish friendly relations. The documentation of Cavendish's looting and plundering of local peoples was later provided by Herbert Henry Austin.