Choose a specia l value of u , which he called u q ( g ), in

the Ginzburg-Landau m odel such that the calculated ser ies

2 of ln k for G(k)k exponentiates to match the expected

η power law behavior k . In other words , adjust u to a

2 specia l value so that the coe ff ic ien t of (ln k) is 1 /2 of

3 the square of the coe ffic ien t of ln k, that of (ln k) is

1/3 ! of the cube of that of ln k and so on. Once UQ( e )

is found fu ( e ) turns out to be of 0 ( e ) l , one can use the L o

perturbation expansion to calculate other quantities. The

associated exponents can be ex trac ted from logarithms.