R eca l l that in the Gaussian approximation d iscussed

in Chapter III, the spin fluctuation [i. e. , the deviation of

the spin configuration CJ(x) f ro m the most probable con-

figuration σ (χ ) ] was trea ted by the quadratic, or harm onic ,

approximation. The perturbation expansion is just an e x -

tension of the Gaussian approximation to include the an-

harmonic te rm s in 1C. The m ost probable configuration

σ(χ ) is the configuration that m in im izes 1C [ct] , as was

explained in Chapter III. F o r T > T c and h = 0, we have

5(x) = 0 so that σ - 5 = σ. The perturbation expansion

discussed in this chapter has assumed that σ = 0.