Tactics is a process of combining two elements, techniques and education, through three mental "filters". Education without excellence in techniques means action will not be timely or effective, But techniques without education means tactics will be formulistic, rigid, and predictable to the enemy. Three are very helpful in maneuver warfare tactics: mission-type orders, Schwerpunkt, and surfaces and gaps. German brigade commander had been told the Germans were good, and this brigade commander not only didn't have his battalions under positive control, he wasn't worried about it! Of course, what he had encountered was the "trust tactics" of maneuver warfare. A Marine officer rightly said in a recent discussion, "Maneuver warfare tactics are trust tactics. One final, although critical element of maneuver warfare must be discussed: the operational art. The operational art is the art of using tactical events battles or refusals to give battle - to strike directly at the enemy's strategic center of gravity.