Our major life choices, often come to be blamed for subsequent suffering or dissatisfaction. What looked like a wonderfully rational decision may later be viewed as the worst moment of self-deception in one's life. A spontaneous and self-assured foray into a new realm of endeavor can prove to be the first step on the road to disaster. A heartfelt commitment to a relationship with another person may be interpreted in retrospect as yet another act of unnecessary self-sacrifice. This chapter directly examines the nature of major life choices. The "life choice" is set up by a dilemma that emerges in the midst of a relatively stable pattern of personal involvements. The dilemma is disturbing or challenging in that its resolution could require a transformation of one's commitments, plans, self-concepts, and central activities. Usually the individual proceeds with at least a vague idea of how others faced with similar dilemmas in the past chose to resolve theirs.