On January 3, 1864, the fire at Yedo was in the mercantile quarter consuming among other large establishments the Mitsui, a great silk house, whose proprietors are also government bankers. On April 5, 1864, Sir Rutherford Alcock returned to his post as English Minister to the Court of Yedo a month since, and has been remarkably reticent since his return. Doubtless he is testing his position as becomes a true diplomat, and with the disturbed state of Europe operating as a check, he is little likely to try any but pacific measures with the Japanese. On july 30, 1864, from Yedo and Oasaca come many rumors, the most important of which is a reported attempt to take the Tycoon's life by poison and the arrest of three physicians charged with complicity. On august 11, 1864, at the Court of Yedo the Tycoon has been the puppet of his ministers; flying between Yedo and Miaco the shuttlecock of adverse parties.