Deep viewing is a method for critical construction and analysis of textual understanding of children's writing. Seines are units of visual meaning. This group records visual forms—both objects and people—then examines their characteristics: colors, textures, repeated, emphasized, and contrasted forms as well as the appearance, types of dress, and features of actors. In commercial texts, such as film, software, and television broadcasts, this group examines artistic and production devices: the use and repetition of techniques, quality of visuals, sound effects, musical accompaniments, camera angles and technological enhancements. All students also created an "effective teaching rubric" and assessed peers by noting examples observed during lessons. Students submitted data suggesting they were highly observant and competent in gathering information. The microteachings reflected intermedial concepts through their use of varied texts, literacy modalities, and methods. The microteaching process is easily adaptable to varied oral or video student presentations, as well as providing a means for teachers to reflect on their own instruction.