This chapter describes how to train the different kinds of individualists and collectivists to work together effectively. "Work together" should be interpreted broadly to include all kinds of relationships, including marital, salesman-customer, missionary-local resident, politician-citizen, teacher-student, artist-public, and so forth. Corporations in collectivist countries generally train their employees much more than do corporations in individualistic countries. Some training takes place before the expatriate leaves; other training takes place after arrival in the host culture. Trainers have developed many simulations of cross-cultural interaction. In the modern world, one of the most frequent types of the cross-cultural interaction is between people from collectivist and people from individualistic cultures. Individualists have to learn to look for clues on whether they are perceived by collectivists as ingroup or outgroup members. Collectivists need to be trained to use compliments more, because compliments lubricate social relationships.