The Anthropic Principle takes people right back to philosophy and theology, but by way of science. The Anthropic Principle says that the features and many others have been fine-tuned to such a degree that even a tiny variation in any one would make intelligent life impossible. The probability of all of this occurring is thought by adherents of the Anthropic Principle to be so infinitesimal that it could not have occurred by chance. The Anthropic Principle is related to another idea that emerged in physics in the 1920s as part of an overarching theory called quantum mechanics. Charles Darwin proposed to explain how evolution occurred, natural selection. Evolutionary and cognitive psychologists have been able to identify a number of cognitive biases imbedded in the human brain. One of these is a teleological bias. Teleological means having to do with purpose. Teleological thinking is a fundamental part of all religions, but it can exist apart from religion.