The Madison administration had none of the "brilliant achievements" that mark a successful presidency. James did not win a great war for the United States or acquire vast territories; the War of 1812 was more of a draw. James and Dolley Madison did not enjoy an unblemished or total success in their policies, but if they were not perfect, they left, in the words of James's major legacy, the Constitution, "a more perfect Union". In 1829, a scandal broke in Washington that would have benefited from the intervention of a Dolley Madison. Unfortunately, she was not there, but her correspondents kept her abreast of each development. Washington society soon divided into pro-Margaret camps, who would socialize with President Jackson's favorite, and anti-Margaret camps, who snubbed her whenever possible. On July 12, 1849, Dolley Madison died as she lived, in a crowd of friends and family—mostly women. Dolley had been connecting people with each other since she came to Washington City.