Martin Heidegger's studies of Husserl's Logical Investigations when he was a student led him from the study of theology to philosophy. At the University of Freiburg Heidegger had already attended lectures of the Neo-Kantian Heinrich Rickert, whose chair of philosophy, after 1911, Husserl occupied. The phenomenology of intentional objects is not the study of physical objects; philosophy is not strictly the study of objects at all. Husserl could be described as proposing an intellectual division of labor between philosophy and the sciences. Ontological inquiry could begin with an entity, if there were an entity such that asking about it was necessarily asking about the meaning of being. Traditional metaphysics has been dominated, to its detriment, by the study of essentia, namely, the categorical study of being. The traditional issue of "other minds" concerns dissimilarities between one's own mental experiences and one's experience of the behavior of others.