This chapter compares the strategies of electronics firms in Hong Kong to their counterparts in Singapore, and the same for garment-making. Controlling for the effects of firm size and industrial sector, locality still has significant effects on various restructuring strategies. To tease out the different effect of the "industry" and "locality" variable, people subject the data to further analysis by logistic regression. The results from the logistic regression analyses therefore offer a nice overview of the effects of different variables on restructuring strategies. Nevertheless, the similarities between Hong Kong and Singapore in their earlier stage of industrialization also resurfaced to homogenize patterns of change in the two city-states. As a concomitant of these structural changes, the economic complexion of the two city-states shows some similarities as well as interesting contrasts. The "inertia" in the industrial and economic development of Hong Kong and Singapore, however, tells only part of the story of path-dependence.