The China's eastern coastal region occupies less than fifteen percent of China's total area, whereas the interior regions claim more than eighty five percent. Looking at the key component of gross domestic product as well as the heretofore key driver of economic growth—the output value of industry—in 1995 the coastal region claimed a two-thirds share, whereas the interior region claimed only one-third. The economy of the coastal area, boosted by use of foreign capital, developed competitive industries and greatly increased the value of exports. Chongqing is a port city located at the confluence of the Jialing River from the north and the Yangtze River from the west. The full influence of reform and liberalization, including the ongoing construction of the Three Gorges dam, is being felt by Chongqing municipality. When the dam is completed larger ships will be able to sail up the Yangtze River and electric power and agricultural irrigation resources will be greatly expanded.