Carepar tner ing with a PWA const i tutes this phi lanthropic "life o f the spir­ i t . " An t ido t ing existential despair , A I D S volunteer ism is a b o u t breaking rela­ t ions to the self and connect ions to others , to inst i tut ions, and to social systems so that new visions can be created and new alliances fo rmed . When in­ dividuals face suffering and loss , they find that it is only in c o m m u n i t y that jus ­ tice is sus ta ined and mora l cou rage persuades . Transformat ion polit ics o f this kind is no t a b o u t anger or hatred toward individuals or bureaucracies . I t is a b o u t receiving r e spec t-acknowledgmen t that we t o o are real peop l e .