The fact that the United States (US) elite was pushing fragmentation in Eastern Europe while pushing "white solidarity" at home was acceptable as long as Communists were in power. But there is the danger of a blowback effect, a spreading of ethnic tension exported from across the Atlantic among "whites" in a manner not seen in this nation for some time. US elites abroad have sought to manipulate narrow nationalists against progressive forces, in a manner not unlike what has transpired in Afro-America for the past decades. In Angola there has been support of the "tribalistic" Jonas Savimbi, who has the gall to pose as "antiwhite" in Luanda in order to gain adherents. Playing the "color card," he charges that his opponents come mostly from the ranks of the "mixed-race." In the former Yugoslavia, US elites over the years backed anticommunist "nationalists" who now have emerged as advocates of the same policies that now are being denounced as horrific.