The proposition of the appearance of partial or diffuse rationality with movement away from perfect localization is confirmed by Ioannes Antoniou's work in 1996 on the extension of quantum mechanics to large systems, where he finds that logical completeness breaks down. Timely computation of an entity's reactions to unpredicted environments necessitates the availability of simplified representations of the interaction between an entity and its surroundings in their combined multi-dimensional phase space. Decision-making usually proceeds by the reduction of an available data set through progressive applications of sets of rules to a final binary conclusion. The imposition of a perceptional system on information processing implies the reduction of possibly unstructured information to a structured perceivable form related to symbolic representation. Nicolis has pointed out in 1993 that chaos enables a system to explore its phase space. Quasi-particle emergence and stabilization in this scheme consistently depend on 'local' criteria, as does electron-positron emergence in 'free space', for example.