Movies exploit the cult and increase the dosage. Escalation of the cinematic body count seems to be one way to get attention from a public punch-drunk on video mayhem. Robocop's first rampage for law and order in 1987 killed 32 people. The 1990 Robocop 2, targeting a twelve-year old "drug lord", among others, slaughtered 81. The sick movie Death Wish claimed 9 victims in 1974. Violence has many faces. Wholesale mass executions of people, otherwise known as war or genocide, have become increasingly technical, scientific, and deadly but no more precise. The facts of violence are both celebrated and concealed in the cult of violence that surrounds us. The prologue ended with the US ultimatum of January 15, 1991. The deception, suppression, misinformation, and disinformation that characterized the buildup overwhelmed and disoriented the public.