Venetian procedure allows the accused to argue that new witnesses be heard, to corroborate their version of the facts. So, the first part of Bellencito's deposition confirms the version of the six accused. But the avogadori are not easily convinced. To judge from the questions they put to the crier, he remains their prime suspect. Malcanton is accused of having orchestrated the revolt. It is hard to establish his purported role precisely, as he is, by definition, one of the ritual's principal actors. So, Antonio Malcanton is accused as much of leading the rebel band during the snowball fight, as of acting scandalously vis-a-vis the podesta. Nevertheless, while the five other accused undergo a new interrogation on 26 March, this time under torture, Malcanton is set free early, before the trial's end. Podesta Giacomo Suriano, it turns out, mindful of how the crier's presence at Murano is essential, intercedes on his behalf.