My appraisal of Republicanism is developed by a comparative critique of Brexit. This is situated in the facet of a somewhat ‘revolutionary’, reactionary anti-monarchist framework. Arguably, the British exit from the European Union (EU) community, or Brexit, does not diminish the perpetual issue of sociocultural inequality in Britain (Walby and Armstrong 2010; Walby 2015; Glencross 2016; Mount 2017). Only a Republican sociopolitical change will challenge such inequity and achieve more outcomes for the majority, rather than ‘the privileged few’ (May 2016; Perkins 2016). This change should come from within Britain rather than Brussels or the EU. British inequity is defined by historic to contemporary factors: one’s status, income levels and the capacity to be economically independent (Leahy 2003; Mason 2003; Walby 2010, 2012; Grusky 2014). Arguably, one’s capital and agency, is limited by a Constitutional Monarchy, relative to a disproportionate command of resources and power (Arthur 2012; Garrett 2013; McGovern 2017). Those privileged, continue to yield and wield more power than the dispossessed.