Implementation of synthetic seed technology requires manipulation of in vitro culture systems for large scale production of viable materials, that are able to convert into plants, for encapsulation. Somatic embryogenesis, organogenesis and enhanced axillary bud proliferation systems are the efficient techniques for rapid and large scale in vitro multiplication of elite and desirable plant species. For commercial applications, somatic embryos must germinate rapidly and should be able to develop into plants at least at rates and frequencies more or less similar if not superior to true seeds. To achieve conversion of somatic embryos into plantlets and to overcome deleterious effects of recurrent somatic embryogenesis as well as anomalous development of somatic embryos on their conversion, it is necessary to provide optimum nutritive and environmental conditions. Artificial seeds are most commonly described as encapsulated somatic embryos. Artificial seeds have vast application in different fields of plant biotechnology for cultivation of various plant species.