Cangkrukan (hanging out) has become a phenomenon in metropolitan cities. This indicates the presence of these cangkrukan communities in warung kopi (roadside coffee stalls) in the city. In many ways, cangkrukan has been used as a pattern to identify identity construction, i.e., formed through the habit of cangkrukan at warung kopi, and to understand social functions which take place when the communities gather at roadside coffee stalls. This article aims to obtain a profound understanding of the meaning to be conveyed to the public about the reality of the presence of cangkrukan communities in both Surabaya and Sdoarjo using phenomenology. Not only does cangkrukan in coffee stalls constitute an economic function, it also has sociocultural and sociopsychological functions. Through cangkrukan, every citizen identifies themselves as neutral individuals without any fear of discriminatory treatment and social injustice. In these coffee stalls, every individual participates in every mutual social relationship and this reality creates a dynamic social cohesion within the urban community. The formation of organic solidarity in a coffee stall is a proof that, humanely, people require the presence of others without being dependent on one or two strong figures but rather on each other by being connected to the shared hopes and beliefs.