The project of articulating my own intersections and traffic jams allows me to interrogate my relationship with the theoretical models that I hold dear. My shifts through thin and fat have kept pace with my dislinear moves toward respectability, with class and professionalism won or lost in response to my amplitude, but also my racialization, my age, maternity, and other factors beyond; I genuinely believe that I would not have survived my journey through the academic world without the scaffolding of theories of intersectionality. Likewise, Fat Studies scholarship has allowed me to understand the world around me in revolutionary and life-saving ways. Thus far, however, I have felt that these two models have resisted a thorough reckoning, have failed to acknowledge one another. This chapter attempts to examine moments in my life where the lessons I have learned from intersectional scholarship and from Fat Studies have sat together—sometimes productively, sometimes uneasily, but side by side as I have explored my own identity and reality.