While Allied responsibilities expanded in the north, they were shrinking in the southern half of the peninsula. From Rome south, the entire peninsula (save the Allied Military Government (AMG) enclave surrounding Naples) was restored to Italian jurisdiction after mid-summer. Then in late September, Roosevelt and Churchill announced from Hyde Park the gradual phasing out of Allied Control Commission (ACC) liason personnel from the Mezzogiorno. The American members of Gayre's staff took the state's side in the controversy, noting that it would simplify the Allies' administrative tasks if the new schools were abolished. By the end of 1943 another controversy involving the Catholic Church came to a head: the suitability of Gino Ferretti's "Recomendations for the Modernization of the Elementary School". With the creation of the first anti-Fascist coalition government in April, 1944, the Anglo-Americans turned to Benedetto Croce for advice, given the closeness of his political and cultural values to American and particularly British traditions.