This chapter discusses the nuances and spatial-temporal assumptions of “Africa rising” as an important strand within the broader rising South narrative. It demonstrates the subtle shifts and intersections between the manifestations, as the various capitalist blocs ebb and flow within the African space. The chapter presents an exposition of the shift in the spatio-temporal fix of the government-business-media (GBM) complex toward Africa and the South around the late nineties. The GBM complex brings to light the workings of the covert practices embedded in global capitalism. The key is human deception through geographies of hope and fear. The chapter describes the notion of Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa (BRICS) as a geopolitical “god-trick” – a spatial trick used by geo-politicians and finance capital which is at once magnanimous and imperialistic. Perhaps the defining achievement of the bloc was the creation of a New Development Bank in 2014 to help finance infrastructure projects in the BRICS countries and Africa.