The principal function of the US nuclear force is to deter a

range of plausible threats from nuclear-armed rivals against

the US and its allies. This objective is met by keeping high-

value targets of potential nuclear adversaries constantly at risk,

and by holding nuclear forces that are rapidly employable in a crisis, and able to survive an initial attack and then respond

with devastating effect. Nuclear forces must also provide the US

president with diverse options for responding to the threat or

use of nuclear weapons. These options range from discriminate attacks on the military targets of the enemy that limit collat-

eral damage, to massive attacks on urban areas and economic

infrastructure. The US nuclear triad has maintained these

attributes for decades. Each leg of the triad can independently

deliver hundreds of nuclear weapons with a variety of explo-

sive yields against protected or ‘hardened’ military targets as

well as population centres and economic infrastructure. US nuclear forces are not intended to threaten states that

do not possess nuclear weapons, are party to the 1968 NPT

and comply with their nuclear non-proliferation obligations.