Prakriti is the name of the first principle, Primordial Matter. The entire material Universe, everything and anything that is, excepting God and Soul, is the direct emanation of this Primordial Matter. Sankhya Shastra deals with this subject and gives the only correct idea about Primordial Matter, which is, transformed into the diverse objects of all the worlds, and the entire entire Universe. Primordial Matter in its elementary form, its potential form after dissolution and before creation, has three equal proportions of three qualities. Those qualities are: Satva, purity; Raja, activity; Tama, inertia. The luminaries, the sun and the moon, systematically and regularly do their duties allotted to them by the Father of the Universe, the maker of the Universe, of lighting the worlds regularly at the appointed time day in and day out without fail. The chapter illustrates further the idea of dependency, of separateness, and yet prove unity.