The wireless metaphysician who takes the stations option is able to be an uncomplicated pluralist, with an adequate supply of substances combined with a strict economy of qualities. Wireless metaphysics remains defective. Although things can move, they cannot move very much, on account of impenetrability. With impenetrability the order of stations remains invariant, however much stations together shift along in wavelength space. Each station is sandwiched in between two neighbours, and cannot get past them and be next to any other stations. And this is inevitable with impenetrable things located in a one-dimensional space. But it runs counter to our general, non-wireless, experience. A discontinuous parameter can be introduced into a world of featureless things only at the cost of considerable complexity. Continuity involves only time and space, and therefore is available even in an entirely characterless world in which the fundamental things have no qualities, but only quasi-qualities or parameters.