The most significant non-Spanish/Mesfizo group is the largely English-speaking Afro-Caribbean population based on Limon, although young Afro-Caribbeans generally speak Spanish. The country is dependent on agricultural exports, the most important being coffee, bananas and meat. The 1973 census showed that only 5 percent of the population had graduated from secondary school. Higher education dates from 1940. Pressure on places and a desire to innovate led to the foundation of the technologically orientated Technological Institute of Costa Rica, the National University, and the Universidad Estatal a Distancia. The universities are autonomous, their planning being co-ordinated by the National Council of Rectors (CONARE) which was established in 1974 and has ministerial representation. In 1977 the Government decided to establish the Universidad Estatal a Distancia (UNED) as a fourth state-funded university. The basic teaching medium is the printed course book of which there is normally one per course.