Unquenched desire, the dividing up of the drives, repetition, and symptom are the keywords for the effects that the unconscious, as deciphered by Freud, has on the body. Harmony is not on the agenda, but rather the discordance, unlinking, and arrogance of cynical jouissances. It seems that the discourse of capitalism is today increasing their deleterious consequences – with all of these demonstrative suicides, but also suicides as diverse as those of terrorists, Tibetan monks, those beleaguered by the capitalist enterprise, and all the hopeless of our time. Hence the question that Lacan posed concerning the possible "humanisation" of this denatured animal, about whom Freud did not hesitate to say that he is a wolf to man, even though he has always made community. What will the psychoanalyst say about possible solutions, he whose act excludes the call to norms of any kind?

Humanisation? is the 2013–2014 volume of the annual seminar held by the author at the Clinical College of the Lacanian Field in Paris.

chapter I|9 pages

13th November 2013

chapter II|9 pages

27th November 2013

chapter III|8 pages

11th December 2013

chapter IV|7 pages

25th January 2014

chapter V|10 pages

29th January 2014

chapter VI|9 pages

12th February 2014

chapter VII|8 pages

5th March 2014

chapter VIII|8 pages

19th March 2014

chapter IX|8 pages

2nd April 2014

chapter X|10 pages

7th May 2014

chapter XI|8 pages

21st May 2014

chapter XII|9 pages

4th June 2014