In the course of the last few months a well-structured perverse organization surfaced. Eventually it was viewed to root in a relation with the mother which was seen as still not “anchored in goodness; it’s only anchored in sensuality.”

This chapter portrays two particularly important forms of acting in the counter-transference consisting in (i) allowing myself to be persuaded, without the slightest conscience of it, not to interpret in the transference, and (ii) actively blurring my own apprehension of the meaning of the material. I therefore suddenly realized that I have been gently persuaded to degrade the analysis into a “gentle,” and even friendly psychotherapy.

Confusion is more vividly shown to play a key role in the root of perversions.

A passionate “love for the truth” is once again left at the core not only of every analysis, but of the mature organization of one’s personality.