The material discussed here is believed to shed a new light on the meaning of living, very concretely, in the internal mother’s anal world. Discussion of this material may hopefully equip us to better deal with this particular kind of pathology in the concreteness of the clinical hour. This discussion seems to allow a clearer reading of how the confusions inherent in perversions may at times invade everyday life, warping values and our views of the world. The new material also seems to lend further substance to Meltzer’s finding that “… being inside [the claustrum] invades their whole sensual experience of the world.” The links between secrecy and confusion gains a new light. Steps outside the claustrum are now registered. These first steps seem however to raise new challenges for both the analysand and the analyst. Another key point this chapter briefly emphasizes is the importance for the analyst to worry about his patients: “… worrying about your patient is terribly important … In fact, the only way we have of keeping the patients safe is to be worried about them. Because when we’re worried about them it’s always because they have evacuated into us their own worry, and we accept it, and not try to analyze it away …”