From mid-August to September 1971, the chairman undertook one of his famous tours of inspection, in which the Nanking Military Region and the Kwangchow Military Region figured prominently. It was at this time that Mao noted that the crisis had been brewing since the Second Plenum and that it was the tenth major crisis in the Party's fifty-year history. During the Cultural Revolution, the civilian Party conservatives associated with Liu Shao-ch'i had come under attack for their 'closed-door' mentality and their crude organisational and economic determinism. In the period of Ninth Party Congress, it was proposed that the Party and Youth League should be built from the bottom up and rectified continuously according to the principle of 'centralised policy and divided operations'. At the Second Plenum in 1970, the radicals attached considerable importance to the denunciation of Ch'en Po-ta who was now linked with his Jacobin colleagues on the old Central Cultural Revolution Group, and Lin Piao resisted the denunciation.