Visual Studio Community is a free version of the Visual Studio Software which has been in development by Microsoft for a few decades. The Visual Studio the Installation app helps install plugins and components. One of the components is the Game development with Unity add-on. In addition to Unity, plenty of other add-ons are available. Individual components enable development with C++, Python, and F#. This enables web, machine learning, and database software development as well. Mono is open-source, free-to-use software. Mono is an implementation of the .NET Framework. Microsoft based their .NET Framework for C# language on the European Association for Standardizing Information and Communication Systems. Overloading, in the programming sense, means use of the same function name with different parameter values. When writing a class, it’s often a good idea to prevent some values from getting set inadvertently. It’s not possible to set a variable if its value has been calculated by a function.