The analyst can maintain a position of neutrality and listening while, interestingly, for some patients access to free association, to daydreaming, and even to dreaming is simplified by the physical absence of the analyst’s body; as if, the patient was freer, only in touch with the world of his associations. The setting, the symbiotic modality of transference, will have in this way repeated, in order to elaborate it, the childhood destiny of those patients, not rare, who are clearly trapped in a true impossibility of growing. The clever photography and editing help the audience to perceive in certain moments an almost dreamlike atmosphere where the real is suspended and the internal–external limits are diluted, fluid, helping to easily understand another fundamental characteristic of virtual reality. “Transference flourishes on the telephone as in real life, evokes a countertransference response from the telephone analyst, and the transference–countertransference dialectic is analyzed as it would be in in-person sessions”.